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Statement on Passenger Only Ferries

SUBA offered input to the Draft POF Ferry study and is listed as a stakeholder to be contacted if any agencies or service providers move forward with plans to develop POF routes through Union Bay. SUBA understands the need to expand transportation options within the Puget Sound region and the use of electrified ferries connecting communities across Lake Washington offers much potential.

Many of our concerns are described in the final POF study as areas for further study and analysis: wake wash, shoreline erosion, disturbance of fish and wildlife, and other environmental concerns as well as issues regarding recreational boating traffic and overall usage of Union Bay. Given the high recreational usage of this area as well as proximity to shipping lanes frequented by barges and other working vessels, potential congestion is of utmost significance.

SUBA hopes that an Environmental Impact Study will be undertaken during implementation planning by the local managing agency.